- EnglishName: Sixbar wrasse
- Local Name : Kaashi hikaa
- Size : Max. 18 cm
- Family: LABRIDAE
- Order : Perciformes
- Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 8 spines and 13 rays. Anal fin with 3 spines and 11 rays. Pectoral fin with 16 rays. Body depth 2.9-3.2 in standard length. - Caudal fin truncate in juveniles to emarginate in adults.
- Colour: Green with six black bars dorsally, shading to pale blue ventrally. Broad pink bands on head and a pink lateral stripe posteriorly on body. Females similar but the bars not as black and lacking the ventral blue colour and pink stripe.
- Habitat and Biology: A common shallow water reef species to depths of 25 m. Mainly a solitary swimming species. Omnivorous in habit.
- Distribution: Indo-Pacific.
- Remarks: T. schwanefeldii (Bleeker) is a synonym of Thalassoma hardwicke. T. hardwicke is one of the
most common wrasses on Maldivian reefs. It readily accepts bread from divers and snorkellers.